Virus ptačí chřipky H5N1 - zlaté tyčinky Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Virus horečky dengue Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Virus eboly Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Žloutenka typu A Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Žloutenka typu B Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Virus HIV Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Coronavirus, který způsobuje bronchitidu Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Virus chřipky Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Zarděnky Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Neštovice Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Virus prasečí chřipky Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Vzteklina Zdroj: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention